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Paula Wynne

Pinned 6 years 7 months ago onto Writing Guides

Why Men Love Bitches

If you’re aiming to write the next 50 Shades of Grey here's three little sneaky books that will help you on your journey.

1001 Sexcapades To Do If You Dare

Bobbie Dempsey says that an exciting sex life isn't just for Playboys or Playboy bunnies anymore. With this book on your nightstand, you will be challenged to throw away your inhibitions, increase your pleasure, and keep boredom out of your bedroom for good! There's plenty to keep the passion alive with new positions, new locations, and new twists on old favourites.

You will be tempted to try all sorts of new sexual manoeuvres and put yourself in different kinds of erotic situations with dares like: have an "Everything But…" fashion show/sex romp series; host your own hot movie festival; have a (voluntary) dry spell; practice yoga together … in the nude; slip a pair of your panties, his favourites, into his pocket before he leaves for work; and more! Looking for a more adventurous session in the sack? Then try this book—if you dare.

This racy little romp of a book is said to take your love life from humdrum to hot so why can’t it spice up your erotica novel? You’ll be on the road to 50 Shades of Grey fame …

2. Why Men Love Bitches

If you’re too nice, run out and get this Why Men Love Bitches because Sherry Argov delivers a unique, real-life and hilarious perspective, explaining why men are attracted to a strong women who stands up for herself.

With saucy detail on every page, this no-nonsense guide reveals why a strong woman is much more desirable than a "yes woman" who routinely sacrifices herself. The authour provides answers to the tough questions women often ask.

Sherry says ... go from doormat to dream girl with this woman’s guide to holding her own in a relationship.

3. Sexploits – An Erotic Journal

You may want to delve into this sexy, fun, kinky, racy, daring little journal called Sexploits - An Erotic Journal - and make notes on what you’re going to do to your fictional characters. Under these covers, you can keep your sexual escapes alive and your fantasies private or not. More thruth or dare than kiss and tell with its scandalous tips and tricks, this journal will push the boundaries of desire for your fictional characters. Adams Media suggest that you give in to lust, have some fun and write it all down.

Whatever you do, just DON’T leave it on the bus or tube!

Paula Wynne is the founder of Book Luver.

Paula's Writers' Resource Series features the following books: Pimp My Fiction: How to Write a Novel with The Ultimate List of Creative Writing Books to Create A Plot & Build Character; A~Z Writers’ Character Quirks: A~ Z of Behaviours, Foibles, Habits, Mannerisms & Quirks for Writers’ to Create Fictional and 101 Writers’ Scene Settings: Unique Location Ideas & Sensory Details for Writers’ to Create Vivid Scene.

Find out more about the Writers' Resource Series here. If you would like to find out how to write a bestselling novel, download a free copy of Paula's Pimp My Fiction.

Follow Paula on Amazon's Author Central to find out when she publishes more books. Or you can follow Paula on Twitter and Facebook.

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