

Paula Wynne's picture
Paula Wynne

Pinned 6 years 8 months ago onto Book Giveaways

The Invisible Cipher Thriller Suspense Crime Giveaway

The Invisible Cipher Thriller Suspense Crime Giveaway - Win this book giveaway in our Summer Book Giveaway.

After an impromptu assault sends him on the run, Neil Gatlin finds himself stranded in a small Illinois farm town where he learns to trustno one and fear all. With no friends and little money in his pockets, Neil is desperate to return to Indiana and his pregnant girlfriend, Sunshine. Worried for her safety, Neil’s journey home hits a roadblock when he is framed for murder. With little possibility of rescue and everyone in town believing him guilty, he’s reliant on one unlikely ally. As clues start to reveal the truth behind his unimaginable fate, he overhears schemes threatening to pull him into greater trouble.

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