

I stumbled upon this article when searching for ways to say Dad in different cultures.


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Historians have revealed that our sweet tooth developed as early as 8,000BC - when cavemen roamed the earth. Sweets through the ages timeline shows how treats have evolved over 10,000 years


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If you're writing a Historical Fiction novel and need to know the history of Honey, this post will give you lots of facts about the use of honey through the historical centuries.


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Any writer looking for the exact dates for different camera phones and when they were invented will find a complete history of the camera phone in this great article.


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Anyone writing a historical fiction novel that features a library and wants to find some fun facts along with some interesting concepts, such as a library of witches books that Hitler kept, take a


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Anyone writing Historical Fiction set in WW2 will at some stage need to research or recap on the world war timeline to be sure their dates are all accurate.


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Anyone writing Historical Fiction will need to research what lighting was around in the historical period of their story.


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While researching and writing my historical thriller, The Luna Legacy, which features The Alhambra Palace before Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand took it over in 1492, I wanted to see how women li


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