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Paula Wynne

Pinned 6 years 6 months ago onto Writing Guides

Your Novel's First 50 Pages

The First 50 Pages by Jeff Gerke probably is one of the best writing reference books I have read. It is littered with different coloured post it notes sticking out the side for a quick jump back into it at any time. Why one of the best books? Oh dear, where do I begin? It’s the kind of book you want to read and re-read and re-read. You want to force every sentence to stay permanently fixed in your writing head.

Ok, I’ll begin by saying this book is intended to help all aspiring novelists and writers and authors to hook both their reader and a potential publisher in the first 50 pages. That said, it has so much writing advice for your whole novel or scriptwriting project not just 50 mere pages.

Compelling opening scenes will be your key to catching an agent or editor’s attention and of course crucial to keeping your reader … well, reading. Jeff Gerke sets out to ensure you know to begin your novel with the skill and intention to land you a book deal and keep reader’s eyes glued to every page. But he doesn’t just do that. He arms any wannabe novelist with all the fire-power to create a page turning story.

Read the full review of The First 50 Pages by Jeff Gerke.

Paula Wynne is the founder of Book Luver.

Paula's Writers' Resource Series features the following books: Pimp My Fiction: How to Write a Novel with The Ultimate List of Creative Writing Books to Create A Plot & Build Character; A~Z Writers’ Character Quirks: A~ Z of Behaviours, Foibles, Habits, Mannerisms & Quirks for Writers’ to Create Fictional and 101 Writers’ Scene Settings: Unique Location Ideas & Sensory Details for Writers’ to Create Vivid Scene.

Find out more about the Writers' Resource Series here. If you would like to find out how to write a bestselling novel, download a free copy of Paula's Pimp My Fiction.

Follow Paula on Amazon's Author Central to find out when she publishes more books. Or you can follow Paula on Twitter and Facebook.

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