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Paula Wynne

Pinned 5 years 10 months ago onto Writing Guides

First Draft in 30 Days

Write Your Novel in 30 Days By Karen S. Wiesner is another book that new writers must get to start their writing process quickly.

Many aspiring and experienced novelists throw out hundreds of pages (and waste valuable time) before they have a workable first draft of a novel. With First Draft in 30 Days those days are over.

But that doesn’t give you a good picture of what you’re getting with Karen’s MUST HAVE book for every aspiring novelist. The back cover tells you how this book will save you time and reduce rewrites with a ‘sure-fire system’ for creating your first draft.

Although it doesn’t have to be actually 30 days – it could be whatever time allocation you want it to be, I found Victoria Schmidt’s writing reference guide shows you how to create an outline so detailed and complete that it really does become your first draft.

Her system is flexible enough for you to customise it to your way of researching, planning, plotting and writing.

When you first open the book you may think ‘Mmmmm, I don’t wanna be tied to any writing formatting system, thanks.’ But once you actually start working through Karen’s ideas, chapter by chapter, and if you DO follow her guidance you will be amazed; no, astounded; no, stunned; no. bowled over … oh, you get the picture … by this revolutionary way to write your first draft.

Using your own approach and style, you will ease into Karen’s way of thinking pretty damn quickly, and with her interactive worksheets, you’ll have your own process in no time at all.

If you’re the kind of writer that I am, flying by the seat of your pants and allowing your fictional characters to speak to you and dictate what happens next, go to Amazon right now and buy this book.

I am warning you that if you don’t, you will never know how much your writing can and will be improved. You will see how this way of working not only improves your plotting and structure, but even more so, your actual writing.


Because when you apply this system to your manuscripts or novel ideas you will see something amazing happening – your writing tightens up, and your story drives forward at a rapid pace.

If you think you don’t need an organising structure, especially if you have never done it before, you actually do – you just don’t realize it until you get to grip with Karen’s steps to write the first draft of your novel.

Along with plotting your novel, you’ll see that Karen teaches you how to brainstorm all possible angles for your story and organise the mountains of ‘stuff’ you could gather during your research and planning.

If you are still resisting, do me a favour, just read three to five chapters and then tell me you still don’t agree. At that stage, I will concede that you may be a writer who simply gets a kick out of organised chaos and will manage to get your book written under your own cluttered steam.

But if you do give it a go, you may be like me and find that you’re way ahead with your creative outlines than you ever were without them.

Without a doubt, as someone who has written for most of my life and has yet to get a book published, I found Karen’s book to be massively inspiring, downright feet-on-the-road useful, and it has helped me to create a novel that is, so far, probably my best work yet. By following her expertise, I have produced a piece of fiction that I am now more determined than ever to get published.

When I am finished with my new novel based entirely on Karen’s guidance – and I subsequently get it published as a bestseller, I intend to go back over my previous novels and use the same principles.

If you can only afford one of these great books I have recommended, start with this one!

You will NOT be disappointed. I cannot recommend the book enough for new writers starting out on their novel writing journey!

Paula Wynne

Paula Wynne is the founder of Writing Goals. As well as running Wriitng Goals and Book Luver, Paula is an author with several published books.

Paula's Writers' Resource Series features the following books: Pimp My Fiction: How to Write a Novel with The Ultimate List of Creative Writing Books to Create A Plot & Build Character; A~Z Writers’ Character Quirks: A~ Z of Behaviours, Foibles, Habits, Mannerisms & Quirks for Writers’ to Create Fictional and 101 Writers’ Scene Settings: Unique Location Ideas & Sensory Details for Writers’ to Create Vivid Scene.

Find out more about the Writers' Resource Series here. If you would like to find out how to write a bestselling novel, download a free copy of Paula's Pimp My Fiction.

You may also want to chek out Paula's series Book Marketing for Authors.

Follow Paula on Amazon's Author Central to find out when she publishes more books. Or you can follow Paula on Twitter and Facebook.

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