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Paula Wynne

Pinned 5 years 1 week ago onto Software For Writers

Win A ProWriting Aid Lifetime Software License


Win a ProWritingAid Editing Software lifetime licence worth £240 from Page Turner Awards and Headline Sponsor, ProWritingAid. This efficient editing software has many features, a few of them will help you:

Edit Faster: ProWritingAid automatically suggests 1000s of style improvements so you can breeze through your editing.

Fix Style Issues: Writing can be grammatically perfect but still feel awkward and clumsy. ProWritingAid searches out elements like repetitiveness, vague wording, sentence length variation, over-dependence on adverbs, passive voice, over-complicated sentence constructions, and so much more (20 reports in all.)

Eliminate Errors: Nothing makes a writer lose credibility faster than spelling and grammar mistakes. Submit clean, error-free writing.

Find The Right Words: Tools like the word explorer and contextual thesaurus help you find the perfect words to make your point.

Learn As You Edit: With articles, videos and quizzes right in the app, ProWritingAid  users consistently report improvements in their writing as ProWritingAid allows them to see and eliminate their own bad habits and common mistakes.

The Page Turner Awards highly recommends that all entrants grab a free trial of ProWritingAid before submitting their final manuscript. This will ensure that you are giving yourself the best chance of being short-listed or chosen as a winner by offering our judges your best work, with the help of ProWritingAid.

Grab a free trial of ProWritingAid.

Prize Value: £240

Find out how to win this lifetime ProWritingAid lisence.

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Software For Writers

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Paula Wynne

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Software For Writers

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The Page Turner Awards is thrilled to have ProWritingAid on board as the 2020 Headline Sponsor.
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