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Paula Wynne

Pinned 4 years 7 months ago onto Software For Writers

The Novel Factory Writing Software


The Novel Factory Writing Software for novelists. Watch this post for more on Campfire as I am currently reviewing this piece of writing kit for novelists.

In the meantime, here are the key features of The Novel Factory.

Notes automagically organised: No more drowning in piles of paper notes or spending hours organising digital folder structures. The Novel Factory offers clear obvious structures for noting down information about plot, characters, locations and everything else relating to your novel.

Character Management: View all of your characters in the overview or open them up to view and edit their details. Character profiles include loads of useful tabs, including: basic info, character questionnaire, background, voice and more.

Write Anywhere: The web version of the Novel Factory can be accessed anywhere you have Internet. So you can write your novel on the train to work, while walking the dog or climbing a mountain. Just login and all your drafts and notes will be at your fingertips.

Split screen / Multiple Tabs: Open as many new tabs and windows as you like, and arrange them for easy, customisable viewing.

How to write a novel step by step: The Roadmap is an optional step-by-step guide to writing a novel that takes you from premise to final manuscript and beyond. It draws on tried and tested theory that lies behind the majority of best-selling novels and blockbuster movies.

Plot development: The planning section takes a methodical approach to building a strong plot from basic building blocks. It includes plot templates for popular genres, to get you started.

Advanced Plot Point Tracking: The subplot manager allows you to create columns for plot threads, themes, items and characters and cross-reference notes with particular scenes. Drag and drop these plot points to effortlessly reorganize parts of your plot.

All your Works in Progress in one place: The Novel Factory for Web stores all your data centrally, so you can easily swap between different novels you might be working on. It also allows you to save 'snapshots' of your novel at any time for later reference.

Characterization development: The character details section offers a wealth of prompts and information about how to create memorable, three-dimensional characters. It includes areas for motivation, character archetypes, physical description, unique voice and much more.

Character Viewpoint Synopses: The Novel Factory encourages you to experience your novel through the eyes of each of your major characters. This adds depth, texture and realism to the plot and characters.

Use images to inspire you: You’re not limited to adding a single image to characters and locations, add as many as you like and view them in the gallery or in full.

Location Management: The Locations tab allows you to note down details for all of your novel's settings, including multiple images to spark your inspiration. It encourages you to consider all the senses in your descriptions, in order to build a truly immersive story world.

Automatic scene generation: Once you’ve written your long synopsis, you have the option to automatically generate scenes directly from it. Adjust where the scene breaks are and hit go – and all your scenes will be created automatically in seconds. Now you can get on with the fun part of writing your first draft…

Scene Management: Split your novel up into scenes which you can shuffle with click and drag. You can enter, edit and view key information relating to each scene and even link characters and locations to a given scene.

Multiple drafts: The Scenes tab allows you to write multiple drafts of your story side by side, helping with referencing and keeping a snapshot for scouring over for gems at a later date.

Export your Work: You can export your manuscript and notes to word, or to a plain text format.

Track submissions: There’s a special tab dedicated to keeping track of your submissions to agents or self-publishing websites.

Targets and Statistics: The Statistics tab allows you to keep track of your word count and your writing rate. You can set targets and keep track of whether you’re meeting them or not.

Find out more and get a free download to try out:

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