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Paula Wynne

Pinned 6 years 6 months ago onto Writing Guides

Medieval Costume in England and France: The 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries

Medieval Costume in England and France: The 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries is carefully researched with meticulously detailed accounts of the styles and construction of period costumes. A must for any writer of medieval novels!

This writing guide includes descriptions and illustrations of royal apparel, and also discusses jewelry, armor, textiles, embroidery and hairdressing for your medieval fictional characters.

Each time your medieval characters step out, they need garments for the occasion and this writing guide of medieval fashion will help to ensure you create vivid descriptions of their garments. That also goes for their status, from elaborate ecclesiastical dress and vestments, academic and legal garments, and civilian dress of all classes, even the lowly peasant.

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Writing Books

James Scott Bell’s Plot and StructureOxford Dictionary Of Modern SlangWriting Fight ScenesThe Emotional Craft of Fiction: How to Write with Emotional Power, Develop Achingly Real Characters, Move Your Readers, and Create Riveting Moral Stakes First Draft in 30 DaysCreate Vivid Memorable SettingsBeginnings By Paula Munier45 Master Characters by Victoria Lynn Schmidt1000 Strong Verbs for  Fiction  WritersFashion in the Middle Ages
Your Novel's First 50 Pages
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Writing Guides

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