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Paula Wynne

Pinned 6 years 6 months ago onto Writing Guides

Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracies

From the Knights Templar to the JFK Assassination, Monte Cook uncovers the truth behind the world’s most controversial and covered-up conspiracy theories in this writing guide - The Skeptics Guide To Conspiracies.

The Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracies takes the reader through the major conspiracy theories that abound in the world - from the historically complex to the seriously whacked out. This work features entries that include a description of the theory, evidence for and against it, prominent figures associated with it.

Rather than using this book as a serious exploration of conspiracy theories, use it to get inspiration for your own conspiracy theories when you start writing your thriller novel.

The back cover scribbles in red ink warning you about secrets and who’s calling the shots as well as various hand-scribbled comments in more red ink in the margins on every page are funny and light-hearted.

Pop over to Amazon and you’ll see that some other reviewers have slated the theories asinsane theories, but  do remember that Monte Cook is bringing you a ‘Skeptic's Guide’ not hard facts. I believe it is meant to be a light entertaining read for readers and writers’ of thrillers who could be inspired by some of conspiracy ideas mentioned.

If anything the ‘Conspiracy Run Down’ should inspire novelists setting out on a thriller writing journey, with links for further reading on the web and search terms to let your mind go mad with plot points and the who’s who checklist so you know which organisations or associations to explore.

Use this book as a not-so-serious writing guide to finding inspiration for improving your thriller writing.

Paula Wynne is the founder of Book Hub. She started Book Hub out of a need to market and promote her own fiction. As well as running Book Hub, Paula is an author with several published books.

Paula's Writers' Resource Series features the following books: Pimp My Fiction: How to Write a Novel with The Ultimate List of Creative Writing Books to Create A Plot & Build Character; A~Z Writers’ Character Quirks: A~ Z of Behaviours, Foibles, Habits, Mannerisms & Quirks for Writers’ to Create Fictional and 101 Writers’ Scene Settings: Unique Location Ideas & Sensory Details for Writers’ to Create Vivid Scene.

Find out more about the Writers' Resource Series here. If you would like to find out how to write a bestselling novel, download a free copy of Paula's Pimp My Fiction.

Follow Paula on Amazon's Author Central to find out when she publishes more books. Or you can follow Paula on Twitter and Facebook.

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